Hail to the Thief: How the Clinton Establishment Handed the Election to the Alt-Right

The 2016 election occurred over a week ago.  Still, no one can pin point how Donald Trump managed to win.  What we do know, is that the Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party ran an utterly abysmal campaign  Liberal democrats feeble prognosis can do nothing to protect us from the wolves at bay.  Despite spending an unprecedented amount of money - really, the waste is fucking infuriating - Clinton tanked an election where just about every analyst predicted she would win - oh yeah, I'm still fucking furious when I think about it.  What we can say with some clarity, is that Trump didn't steal the election.  The Democratic party elites blindly handed it over, lock, stock, and barrel.

"I'm with her!"  What the fuck?  aren't politicians supposed to be with THEIR constituents?!?!  "I'm with her" - Hillary's campaign slogan - sounded like some sort of Stalinist era euphemism for "get in line or its the gulag."  Virtually nothing about her campaign was appealing.  She didn't even have the gusto to support a $15 an hour minimum wage, settling for $12 an hour.  Her appeal for universal higher education was lackluster at best, obviously a symptom of the Sanders' campaign rather than her own goodwill.  Other than those two positions, -forced on her by Sanders - I honestly have no idea what her platform is.  Instead of any substantive policies, all we heard was incessant fear mongering.

Racist!  Sexist!  Misogynist!  Pig!  Wait, don't the Democrats do the same thing, only less visibly and more systemically?  You've got to be kidding if you don't think that ordinary people can see the Democrats' complicity.  Fear mongering never stopped Hitler, Mussolini, or even the almighty powerful Ronald Reagan.  I for one get pretty fucking tired when I'm force fed the same stale shit with every god damn debate, commercial, lawn sign, and self-righteous Facebook post.  If you constantly rail the public about the dangers of a lunatic's election, you better have some sort of cure.  What was most mind-boggling, was the fact that so many liberals were claiming that Trump was a fascist, right up until the election.  And now, they want us all to file behind our President because anything else will undermine democratic values and our "almightily" Constitution?  Liberalism itself is some sort of strange psychosis that deludes and debases otherwise healthy sociopathic minds.

What I haven't gotten particularly angry about (yet) is the teeth less motions of solidarity.  Fuck these safety pins, carry a baseball bat.  If you really want to let intolerant ass holes know we mean business, show them that we'll restore American values by bashing their heads in.  Where is the legacy of John Brown or the Wobblies?  Proclaiming a militant defense of the downtrodden goes a long way.  As far as Hilary's message to the Children's Defense Fund, it's important to remember that her and her husband gutted Welfare programs during the 1990s, leaving a devastating number of poor and hungry children in their wake.  It's time to move on from these wolves in sheep's clothing and create a real militant defense of women, Muslims, the LGBT, and all those vulnerable components of society.  Certainly, the legacy of resistance to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law and slave power dominated federal government can work as a starting point.
