The Conspiracy Theory Industry and JFK

The conspiracy theory industry would like to posthumously thank President John F. Kennedy on the 50th anniversary of his assassination.  It is safe to say that nearly every American was washed over in numerous theories surrounding Kennedy's death this week.  From Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly to left-populist film maker Oliver Stone, authors and filmmakers alike are making out like lottery winners who exact yearly tributes for their poor scholarship on the Kennedy Assassination (although some of Stone's fictional scenes in his JFK movie are examples of excellent film making).  Regrettably, the Kennedy assassination conspiracy has consumed notable commentators, such as Peter Dale Scott (who wrote extensively on the Iran-Contra affair) and Oliver Stone (his documentary "South of the Border" brought interviews with the sovereign and pseudo-progressive leaders of Latin America directly to the American public).  On the other hand, guys like Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones (lacking serious credentials) cite JFK's death as proof of the existence of a "new world order" that is concertedly controlling every move at the highest levels of American government. When one fails to ask important questions, one's ideological motives become suspect.
The obsession with a deeper truth surrounding very explainable world events is nothing new.  Paul Watson - Alex Jones' most referenced researcher at Infowars - has purportedly discovered crucial evidence revealing American government involvement in the Boston marathon bombing, The Westgate Mall terror attack in Kenya, and the world trade center attacks on 9/11.  If Paul Watson's brilliant research is correct, we can expect intervention in Syria, an American invasion of Iran, and weather weapons that can kill millions.  The list of lunatic hypothetical goes on and on.  Now, this is not to say that the U.S. government is a protector of world peace - a cop on the beat protecting the little guys.  Just check the National Security Archive at Georgetown University and you'll see how many democratically elected governments the U.S. has overthrown, how many world leaders the CIA has plotted to kill, and how many dictators were given crucial support by the United States government as they knowingly murdered thousands.  However, in each scenario we should ask is it in the interests of the United States government to commit this act?  American policy planners are not stupid - they are some of the brightest minds in the country.  The pros and cons of every decision are weighed in by government specialists.  To think that they would conspire to kill white Americans on our own soil is delusional (black Americans are a different story - check out the 1981 bombing of radical black organization MOVE in Philadelphia).  The American empire has no qualms with killing innocent foreigners of another ethnicity, but it will certainly think twice before killing the demographic of its rulers.
